Aplikasi Android Gratis

Android kini menjelma menjadi sebuah system Operasi terbaik untuk ponsel dan perangkat bergerak lainya, seperti tablet.

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Android Developer Guide

this article about The Dev Guide provides a practical introduction to developing applications for Android and documentation about major platform features. It explores the concepts behind Android, the framework for constructing an application, and the tools for developing, testing, and publishing software for the platform.

androd develover guide
The Dev Guide holds most of the documentation for the Android platform, except for reference material on the framework API. For API specifications, go to the Reference.

As you can see in the panel on the left, the Dev Guide is divided into several sections:

Android developer guide
Android Basics
An initial orientation to Android — what it is, what it offers, and how your application fits in.
Framework Topics
Discussions of particular parts of the Android framework and API. For an introduction to the framework, begin with Application Fundamentals. Then explore other topics — from designing a user interface and setting up resources to storing data and using permissions — as needed.
Android Market Topics
Documentation for topics that concern publishing and monetizing applications on Android Market, such as how to enforce licensing policies and implement in-app billing.
Directions for using Android's development and debugging tools, and for testing the results.
Instructions on how to prepare your application for deployment and how to publish it when it's ready.
Best Practices
Recommendations on preferred techniques for writing applications that perform efficiently and work well for the user.
Web Applications
Documentation about how to create web applications that work seamlessly on Android-powered devices and create Android applications that embed web-based content.
Reference information and specifications, as well as FAQs, a glossary of terms, and other information.
The first step in programming for Android is downloading the SDK (software development kit). For instructions and information, visit the SDK tab.

After you have the SDK, begin by looking through the Dev Guide. If you want to start by getting a quick look at some code, the Hello World tutorial walks you through a standard "Hello, World" application to introduce some basics of an Android application. The Application Fundamentals document is a good place to start learning the basics about the application framework.

For additional help, consider joining one or more of the Android discussion groups. Go to the Developer Forums page for more information.

To return to this page later, just click the "Dev Guide" tab while any Dev Guide page is loaded.

click here : aplikasi android terbaru

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readmoreAndroid Developer Guide

How to change SMSC on iphone

How to change the SMSC ( sms center numbers ) on iphones
bagaimana cara untuk mengubah nomor smsc pada ponsel smartphone besutan apple yaitu iPhone ?
anda mungkin sedang kesulitan bagaimana cara untuk mengubah nomor smscenter dari ponsel iphone itu berikut ini adalah tips dan trik mengubah nomor pusat pesan hp iphone.

Want to change SMSC on Your apple Iphone ?

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to use the SMSC iPhone

lately many are asking how do I change sms center on the iphone.

Well this is the way how to change smsc center on iphone

Step 1 - Checking what number is set as your SMS service centre number

Launch your iPhone keypad and type *#5005*7672# Press Call

You will get a response that tells you the number that has been set as your SMS service Centre number. In all probability, that number is missing or is wrong.

Step 2 - Erasing the incorrect SMS service centre number

On your iPhone keypad, type ##5005*7672# Press Call

You will get a response that tells you that the service centre has no address or something to

That effect. It means it has been erased.

Step 3 - Setting the correct the SMS service centre number

On your iPhone keypad, type **5005*7672*+xxxxxxxxxx# Press Call

You should get a response telling you the number has been set. later there is a notice stating that the smsc successfully changed.

example: How do I check or change the messaging centre (SMSC) number FOR vodafone UK?

To check the Message Center Number on an iPhone all you need to do is to enter: *#5005*7672#

You will then see:

settings interrogation succeeded

service center address

will then show.

To change the Message Center Number enter: **5005*7672*+447785016005# (for Vodafone UK).

You will get the same message but if you then check again you will find the new number.


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android adalah sebuah system operasi / operating system (OS) mobile yang di kembangkan oleg google, sehingga banyak juga yang menyebut google phone atau google mobile. Android sendiri pada perkembangan tidak hanya untuk perang seluler / mobile tetapi juga untuk berbagai keperluan perangkat lainya

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Karena bersifat terbuka maka android meskipun tercatat sebagai system operasi baru sangat cepat sekali berkembang. open source berbasic linux yang terbuka dan dapat dikembangkan oleh siapa saja, tercatat samsung, htc, motorola dan belakangan juga ikut bersiap mengembangkan ponsel android.

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